Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized – hr interview

Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized. Those who criticize my work is my friend. It always helps me to reduce mistakes.. Use below method when answering the โ€œTell me about a situation when your work was criticized?โ€ question and youโ€™ll blow the hiring manager awayโ€ฆ

Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized

To be very honest I accept that many times my work was criticised but after every criticization, I learned something new. Somewhere criticization is important for growth and new learning.

Firstly I will find out where I am making mistake. Then I will improve my self. Prove them by my work not by tongue.

Each and every mistake gives you chance to learn something. My father always ask me, don’t feel nervousness from the problems but just try to find the solution from the problems because each and every problem has the solution like math. Thanks.

There are times when my work is being criticised during my college days even when I was in my on the job training in my previous company. And, yes I do feel bad however I always take it as a feedback and try to improve my self. And every time I put my heart in it I came out of the situations with flying colours.


Firstly, Nothing is perfect in this world. So whenever someone criticized my work I never feel bad because they are telling me the mistake and it give me to improve my knowledge.

Actually, I learned a lot from the mistake.

I did not remember any high criticism on my work, however I have made some mistakes, and mistakes make us perfect. Also, I like to take feedbacks positively and try to improve myself and not to repeat the mistakes again in future.

First of all, I find my mistake whereas my senior criticized me. I will correct this & I will not make mistake in my work in future which my senior will criticized me.

Firstly I will find out where I am making mistake. When someone discourages me I will feel like doing that same work in the best manner showing my full potential in it. Prove them by my work not by a tongue

In my office, I am badly criticised by my senior. How will I handle the situation? please tell me dialogue exchange for one hour and demonstrate the same.

Firstly I will find out where I am making mistake. Then I will improve my self. Prove them by my work not by tongue.

Firstly I will find out where I am making mistake. Then I will improve my self. Prove them by my work not by tongue.

I have been through it in every company cause it is common thing, Practice makes a person perfect.

Whenever someone criticize my work I never feel bed because they are telling my mistake and it give more strength to reduce the mistake.

Actually, I learnt a lot from the mistake.

I think criticism is good for those people who want to become successful in their profession because if some criticized your work you should thank him because indirectly it helps you to find your mistakes. When I joined in my on new organizations everything was new for me and I have done a lot of mistakes while working. But thanks to my team they have criticized me so that I have become good and strong team member.

Well criticized is the opportunity to improve our skill if any criticized is not there you do not understand about your mistakes.

Sir, its happen to me many times in my starting days but it makes me more perfect, optimistic and accountable towards my work since then I treat it as a good remark.

I have criticized by my colleague and company rarely in my past career. Whenever I criticized I take it as a positive and improve myself and make me prepared for the future challenges.

I am very positive about constructive criticism, it is a leeway to work smart. My supervisor once criticized my reports to be too detailed he wanted more summarized one for he had very little time to read reports since they were many at his table from different inspectors.


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