RSMSSB LDC Online Test, RSMSSB LDC mock test 2025, LDC MCQ

RSMSSB LDC Online Test, RSMSSB LDC mock test 2025.ย RSMSSB LDC mock test series 2025 is available for all students who applied for rsmssb junior assistant exam or LDC Exam 2025 for free. Candidates who are going to appear for theย RSMSSBย writtenย testย can practice the online test forย RSMSSBย Jobs 2025. Practicing theย RSMSSB LDCย Previous Papers with an online test is an important task for the contenders before going to appearing for theย exam. Now take RSMSSB LDC Mock test from below…Eligible Candidates can Practiceย RSMSSB LDCย Online Test from hereโ€ฆ

RSMSSB LDC Online Test

TestQuestionLaunch Test
RSMSSB LDC Online Test Series 1 (all papers)150Go to Test
RSMSSB LDC General Hindi Online Test
30Go to Test
RSMSSB LDC General English Online Test
30Go to Test
RSMSSB LDC General Science Online Test30Go to Test
RSMSSB Rajasthan GK Online Test in Hindi30
RSMSSB Rajasthan GK Online Test in Hindi series 230
RSMSSB LDC Online Test Series 350
RSMSSB LDC Online Test Series 450
RSMSSB LDC Online Test Series 550

RSMSSB LDC Recruitment 2020, Upcoming RSMSSB Vacancies for the post of LDC Vacancies, Online Application Form is available at  Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board Recruitment 2020: โ€“RSMSSB has issued a notification for the recruitment of Sanganak (Computer) Vacancy at 10000 posts. Interested candidates may apply by April 2020.

Rajasthan RSMSSB LDC & Jr. Assistant Exam Pattern 2020 (Phase-I)
SubjectsDuration of ExaminationMaximum Marks
General Knowledge, General Science & Mathematics03 hours100 Marks
General English & Hindi03 hours100 Marks
Total Marks200 Marks

Free RSMSSB Online Test for various competitive examination, entrance examination and campus interview. Take various RSMSSB online tests and find out how much you score before you appear for your next interview and written.

RSMSSB LDC Exam Syllabus 2020 For Mathematics

  1. Compound interest
  2. Ratio-proportion
  3. Angle and lines formed at a point
  4. Percentage
  5. Cartesian coordinates
  6. Simple interest
  7. Square root
  8. Equations
  9. Volume
  10. Linear equations with two variables
  11. Cubic origin (up to 6-digit numbers) by the Vedic method Factors
  12. Quadratic equation
  13. Multiplication factors
  14. Discount
  15. Logarithm
  16. Simple linear shapes
  17. Profit-loss
  18. Similar Triangles

Rajasthan RSMSSB LDC Syllabus 2020 For General Knowledge

  1. Books & Authors
  2. Science & Technology
  3. Indian Geography
  4. Indian Culture & Heritage
  5. General Science
  6. Current Affairs โ€“ National & International
  7. Indian Economy
  8. Countries, Capitals & Currencies
  9. History โ€“ India
  10. Indian Constitution
  11. Indian Polity
  12. Abbreviations

RSMSSB Clerk Grade-II Exam Syllabus 2020 For General Hindi

  1. Adjectives, Connections and words wrongly used
  2. Narration: Direct and Indirect
  3. Antonyms
  4. Voice: Active and Passive
  5. Confusable words
  6. Tenses/ Sequence of Tenses
  7. One word Substitution
  8. Comprehension of a given passage
  9. Interrogative, Exclamatory and vice versa
  10. Glossary of Official, Technical Terms (with their Hindi Versions)
  11. Synonyms
  12. Use of Articles and Determiners
  13. Transformation of Sentences: Assertive to Negative
  14. Forming new words by using prefixes and suffixes
  15. Knowledge of writing letters: Official, Demi Official, Circulars and Notices, Tenders
  16. Use of Prepositions

RSMSSB LDC & Jr. Assistant Syllabus 2020 For General Science

  1. Reflection of light and its laws
  2. Blood transfusion
  3. Hydrocarbons
  4. Chloro-Fluoro Carbon or Freons
  5. Catalysts
  6. Polymers
  7. Transgenic organisms
  8. Oxidation and reduction reactions
  9. Structure of ecosystems
  10. Ohmโ€™s Law
  11. Biotic factors of ecosystem
  12. Electric cell
  13. The energy flow of ecosystem
  14. Faradayโ€™s law of electromagnetic induction
  15. Biogeochemical cycles
  16. Electric generator
  17. Biotechnology General information
  18. Environmental Study
  19. Physical & Chemical Charges
  20. Malnutrition and human health
  21. Compressed Natural Gas
  22. Development of new plant varieties

Practice for RSMSSB LDC 2020 exam by solving the RSMSSB LDC 2020 Online Test Series, free mock test, online practice test, and previous year question papers. Try our free online Mock Test of RSMSSB LDC 2020 and score better in main RSMSSB LDC Exam. A student can also attempt online mock practice test by clicking the link given below. To attempt for online test series click the link given below

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Online Test Guide CAknowledge


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