How long would you expect to work for us if hired? – HR Interview

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?: Best answers to the job interview question โ€œHow long would you expect to work for us if hired?โ€, tips on how to respond. Use this method when answering the โ€œHow long would you expect to work for us if hiredโ€ question and youโ€™ll blow the hiring manager away.

How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

Frankly said sir, company and Employ bonding based on give and take. I’m very deterministic and hard working and I don’t give up until I finished that job. And in return, I want appreciation in terms of monetary and non-monetary like promotion on the basis of capability and incentive in the form of award, praising and trust of the company on their employ. These factors determine the time for which I would give my service to the company.

As long as, I feel this organization is my organization & also this organization like I am the part of this organization.

Though I am a fresher if I could get a chance to work in your company I will be very thankful. As far as how long I will stay with the company it depends upon the company how long they require my services.

I will work as long as I reach my goals professionally and I will put all my energies and I return I am expecting promotion as well as salary hike.

As long as I feel challenged and the urge to work beyond my limits.

I have not a plan to move before establishing a sustainable operation.

I will work for you until my knowledge is helpful for our growth and development.

As long as the company appreciate my work and I see beneficial growth for me as well as the company.

I would like to work in your company until the growth of company always increase as well as me.

I will work here as long as I keep reaching my goals professionally while contributing to the growth of the company.

As long as the company needs my service and one more thing I would like to mention here my career should be benefited by the company’s policy

As long as the company and I beneficial for each other frankly said sir, company and Employ bonding based on give and take. I’m very deterministic and hard working and I don’t give up until I finished that job. And in return, I want appreciation in terms of monetary and non-monetary like promotion on the basis of capability and incentive in the form of award, praising and trust of the company on their employ. These factors determine the time for which I would give my service to the company.

As long as company and I beneficial for each other.

As long as I feel that company is looking for continual improvement.

And goes in the direction of their mission and vision

Sir, If I hired in your company.

As long as company appreciate my work and my mental & physical health support me


I would like to work with the company till it’s satisfied the company goals and at it’s growth.

On the same side, I will also see the satisfaction and career hike I got from my work.


I will work for you till the company requires my services and also I feel satisfied with my work and career growth.

I will stay here As long as company needs my services and this is the good opportunity which could help to build my career as strong as possible.

Sir as I am a fresher it is an initial stage of my career, so I am expecting an opportunity to start my career with big platform which could help me to build my career, I will work with the organization as long as it needs my services and give a chances to me for growing my career.

I will stay here in the company, for as long as the company needs my service and as long as there are career growth opportunities.

As long as your company needs me and my presence in your company makes the effect in a positive manner.

It is an initial stage of my career, and moreover, I am expecting good opportunities which could help to build my career as strong as possible. I will work with the organization as long as it needs my services and give chances and challenges to me to grow.

As much as company needs me and wants me.

Well, as I’m a freshman so it’s a great honor to me that I’m going to be the part of your company. Indeed I would love to work in your company until I present myself as the best employee of your company.


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