CSEET Business Communication Mock Test Series, CSEET Test

CSEET Business Communication Online Test Series

CSEET Business Communication Mock Test Series, CSEET Online Test for Business Communication Paper. Business Communication comprises of four units divided into eight lessons. The objective of this Paper is to test the knowledge of the candidates pertaining to essentials of English Grammar and critical aspects of Business Communication. The candidates are expected to be well versed with the basic concepts of English Grammar and its usage. The unit on Communication emphasises the importance of communication in an organisation, i.e. the various mediums and modes of communication within an oragnisation and the barriers related to it.

This paper has 35 questions.

Time allowed isย 35 minutes.

Business Correspondence being an important element in the day to day operations of an organisation is also dealt in this paper and covers various forms of internal and external communication and concepts like Management Information system, email etc. The candidates should also be aware of the various business terminologies used in day to day functioning of an organisation.